Jul 1, 2014
Does Glare Stop You From Being Productive?
Are you trying to get work done in your office or on your computer but because the sun’s glare is so bright and strong, you have to squint just to try to see your screen? Or it could be just as challenging to ring up transactions on a computerized cash register or electronic POS system under these conditions. If you’d like some relief from the eye strain, now is the time to check out window film! Window film technology has advanced significantly in recent years and you’ll be amazed by all the benefits that installing window film will provide.
A common phrase we hear people use is window “tinting”, which implies there is a color or darkening effect to the film. This is not always the case. There are many films that are 100% dye free and provide superb clarity! It all comes back to technological advances in the industry.
There are films available today that combat against solar heat from entering through your windows, films that provide safety and security protection, films that cut out 99% of the harmful UV rays from damaging skin, furniture and belongings, films that create privacy, films that reduce glare, films that offer reflectivity, and more. The choices are seemingly endless and Solar Energy Control can help you choose what film will best suit your needs.
Take a look at the three windows on the left where window film has been applied. The view is crisp and clear, even on a bright sunny day. And now notice the far right untreated window. Compare the contrast between the treated and untreated windows!
During the summer here in the Midwest, with untreated west-facing windows such as these, the amount of solar heat coming through the glass is going to substantially increase the temperature in the building. In an attempt to stay comfortable, air conditioning use will increase and hard earned money will be sent out to the utility companies. After you’ve recouped your investment in window film, the savings will get to stay in your pocket!
Solar Energy Control would like to discuss the details of your individual situation and recommend the window film that will be appropriate for you. We install throughout the Twin Cities and have a variety of clients from home and cabin owners, to business owners and municipalities. Contact us today to get started! Phone: (763) 354-2838 Email: info@solarenergycontrol.net.