Aug 27, 2015
Unfortunately, the news of school shootings, terroristic threats or attacks, vandalism and theft are much too common these days. Even the amount and intensity of severe storms is all around us.
While every preventative measure may not be feasible or affordable, we can still choose to be proactive. Security window films are designed for anti-intrusion and are increasingly being installed at schools, hospitals, government buildings, banks and a variety of businesses and homes. For some applications, even the need for blast mitigation is necessary.
Security film will substantially delay and/or prevent the entrance of an intruder, giving more time for people to get to safety and for emergency response teams to arrive.
Safety films are designed to protect people from flying shards of glass if glass is broken. When remodeling, you may come across ordinary annealed glass that needs to be brought up to local and/or national building code due to its location. If the glass is located near a bathtub, hot tub, pool or a staircase, for instance, the possibility of someone falling against the glass and causing the glass to break and potentially injure themselves is higher, and therefore needs to be reinforced. With the installation of Safety film and a certification label, the glass can meet ANSI Standard Z97.1. (Always check with your local or state authority about building code regulations.)
There are also safety and security films which have solar control properties that reduce the amount of heat coming through the glass and also reduce the amount of glare caused by the sunlight. The view is distortion-free, crisp and clear.
Please take a few moments to view the videos on our homepage that compare a break-in attempt using untreated glass to a break-in attempt with window film installed on the glass, then contact us for your no-cost consultation. We will work with you to determine the best window film for your situation. You can reach us at info@solarenergycontrol.net or (763) 354-2838. We serve the entire Minneapolis – Saint Paul Metro Area and we look forward to serving you.