Commercial Window Tinting Reduces Glare and Heat in St. Paul, MN for Lutheran Social Service

Commercial Window Tinting Reduces Glare and Heat in St. Paul, MN for Lutheran Social Service

Jul 28, 2014

  Project:  Commercial Window Tinting Customer:  Lutheran Social Service Location:  St. Paul, MN     We were contacted by Lutheran Social Service to see what could be done to overcome the excessive heat and glare at their Saint Paul office. To spend time working in the west-facing offices or conference room was quite a challenge because of the intense afternoon...

Storefront Windows Receive UV Protection in the Twin Cities, MN Metro Area

Storefront Windows Receive UV Protection in the Twin Cities, MN Metro Area

Jul 10, 2014

Heat and Glare Cause Major Issues for Storefront Windows Any business with large storefront windows knows the unique challenges that those windows can create. How do you set up your window display so that it captures the attention of people walking by and allows them to view your products clearly, but also protects those products from being damaged by UV rays...

Security Window Film Installed in Ramsey, MN for the VA Medical Building

Security Window Film Installed in Ramsey, MN for the VA Medical Building

Jul 1, 2014

Project: Madico® SafetyShield® 800 Customer: Ramsey VA Medical Building Location: Ramsey, MN, a northern suburb of the Twin Cities When you want the highest level of window film protection available, from a trusted company whose films meet and exceed more rigorous and extensive US Government test standards than any other, you turn to Madico® SafetyShield®...

Window Tinting for Homes and Businesses Throughout Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN

Window Tinting for Homes and Businesses Throughout Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN

May 22, 2014

Energy Efficient Window Film Even Provides Health Benefits It’s commonly known that the sun’s UVA and UVB rays cause harmful effects to our skin when we’re outside and we know to protect our skin with sunscreen and by covering up. But do you know that UV rays also enter our homes and offices through unprotected glass and cause the same damage to our skin...